An unsecured loan facility for tested & worthy small entrepreneurs involved in manufacturing, trading, service, agro-based industries, and many other acceptable sectors located within our country. The product offers term loan or single payment loan facility for the purpose of business expansion, working capital finance, fixed asset purchase, increasing production unit etc
- Minimum 3 (Three) years of continuous business operation
- Age of the proprietor must be 25 years to 60 years at the time of application
- Loan Amount: Up to BDT 2.00 million
- Loan Term : Up to 60 months
- Payment mode : Equal monthly installment in case of Term Finance / Lease Finance OR monthly interest + Quarterly Principal in case of Short Term Finance
- Security : No collateral is required depending on client’s profile.
: Strong Personal Guarantee (PG) is required.
Required Document
- Duly filled in and signed Application Form
- Photographs of Applicant & guarantor(s)
- Valid NID/Passport, Driving/Trade License of Applicant and Guarantor(s) Trade License, E-TIN & NID
- Bank statements of last 12 (Twelve) months
- Copy of Utility bills &
- Tenancy Agreement